Sunday, 1 July 2012

rain, rain go away

Our weather system seems to have changed over the years, we now have wet and miserable summers but we wait in anticipation from Christmas to June in the hope of a lovely summer. The last 4 years haven't seen a lovely summer here in Manchester, England. They have all been very wet, very miserable.

What's it like where you live?

I know from my younger brother that Vancouver, Canada is quite similar to here. Although when he skyped yesterday morning (in Canada, evening here in UK) it was looking rather sunny as he sat on his veranda and I sat here in my kitchen, lashing rain hitting the windows.

But.... cake making was the order of the day and as the school fair is next Saturday and is holding a cake making competition, my son decided to try his hand at making some cakes and trying out the new nozzles on the icing bag.

He has an idea in mind which means cooking lots of little iced fairy cakes along with a fully iced victoria sponge. He will put the two together to make a special cake but he won't let me put it on the blog until next week.  He did all the measuring, mixing and baking by himself. I did lend a hand when it came to putting on a big sheet of icing sugar over the lovely victoria sponge with almond butter cream and jam (I can't wait to get my gnashers into it, it looks gorgeous). He was very professional in the way he was smoothing the icing down to hug the shape of the sponge. Perhaps I have a little Eric Lanlard on my hands!

                                                                       Hard at work

Experiments with the new icing nozzles

And that is all I can show you for now

I'll post his competition entry next week

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