Monday 17 September 2012


If you fancy entering a competition to win over £800 worth of kitchen equipment then bob over to my student blog to find the details.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Total Greek Yoghurt review

I made some pasties a good few weeks ago, Cornish for the meat eaters in the household and veggie  for the veggie (recipe at Unfortunately I didn't get all the ingredients and when it came to adding in single cream I realised I hadn't shopped as well as I should have done.

Luckily I had some Total Greek Yoghurt in the fridge so decided to use that instead of the single cream and I now think I have improved the recipe! (what did I hear my son say the other day HUZZAH)

I may well be converted to veggie pasties due to this slip up. Anyhow, story doesn't end there.

Being so excited at the taste I popped straight over to the TOTAL website and emailed my news. In return I was most kindly sent some split pots to try out and so I decided to add a review from each in the household to let you know just what they are like.

My review
(Here's how I eat mine)

a little compote with a little yoghurt

Thick and creamy yoghurt, enough for a really good snack as it is very filling. With my first taste (pot) I wasn't sure about the thickness of the yoghurt, a little too thick perhaps and on it's own it lacks lustre. The little pot of compote that accompanies the yoghurt, however, is too die for, raspberry and pomegranate heaven. When added to the yoghurt it changes it to a whole new experience on the tastebuds - yum.  I was even considering asking for a pot of the compote on it's own but that would be pushing my luck, getting a delivery of these split pots and two large pots of Greek yoghurt alone is a real treat and very much appreciated.  I have plans for the plain Greek yoghurt and will be trying some recipes out asap. I have to say the second pot that I ate today seemed better, taste buds know what to expect and I savoured each mouthful instead of my usual 'throwing it down my neck'.

Son's review
(Here's how he eats his)
mixed together in a creamy mess

1st pot - Yoghurt is too thick and on it's own it's too sharp but the compote is really yummy. "Do they do just the jam on it's own Mum?".   Mixing it together is much better.
2nd Pot - The yoghurt is not that thick really, not if you mix both together.

Hub's review
(Eats his just as I eat mine!)

Nice but yoghurt is too thick, bit claggy. Lovely compote!

                                                       But the same end result for all 3

home is best

Having spent a week or so in Spain soaking up some much needed sun I returned feeling I had missed something, I think that something was soaking up the culture, enjoying the surroundings, getting the feeling of the place. It was TOO hot (I never thought i'd hear myself say that but it was) too hot to walk around and enjoy the scenery, sites and all.

A few days after returning we headed for grandparents in Sheringham.

I always think of my visits to parents as going home even though it has never been my home. My folks moved to Sheringham 17 years ago (tempus fugit and all that) and I had flown the nest many years before to move to the city to study.  Going home this week has been lovely, my son and myself spent a week at my parents house and we made sure to get out and about as much as possible.

Our last day was  spent crabbing at Cromer, and just look at that view, better than anywhere....

on the pier.................

excited at catching a couple of crabs........

comparing catches with neighbours on the pier............

our little friendly nippers....................

returning the crabs to the sea .............

and just look at the sky, beautiful......

So that was one day of our visit and a great one it was too. Hope you are all enjoying the summer hols and that they are not over too soon!

Saturday 21 July 2012

family photos shared

I'm an avid photographer and never without a camera in my possession. My iphone is really an icamera, I don't think i've made more than 10 calls on it in 2 years (texting, now that's a different story altogether, I can text in my sleep) and it fits so neatly into my tiny handbag.

For Father's day this year Jacob and I stored a collection of photo's from our trip to Center Parcs on a usb stick and shot over to Asda to print off a quickee photo book. A friend gave me the idea after we went camping in April and she got one made up for herself and her children.

And yes, I did spell Centre incorrectly but hey, it won't hurt anyone.

Well, it reduced this households Father to tears, I'd taken stacks and stacks of Father and Son photos at Center Parcs and it was lovely to see the two of them looking through it together, laughing at all the capers they'd got up to and smiling from front to back cover.

Look out for the photo book machine at Asda when you need a quick present for family.

There are quite a few sites selling very similar and possibly better quality photo books but this was quick and easy and great for a last minute present.

Another present which turned out to be a lovely present was this book that Jacob bought for his Dad, well really it was a present for himself which he should have returned in a year or so, however long it takes Dad to fill it in.

I also gave one to my Dad and I really can't wait to get it back again. Dad loves writing, he writes poetry and I think he's enjoying filling this book in. Honestly, I really can't wait to read it. I know lots about my Dad and his capers over his lifetime but I've never, ever spoken to him about the things that this book asks i.e. What did you think of me when you saw me for the first time?  We don't talk personal stuff, we're all a bit shy and embarrassed when it comes to expressing our emotions in our family so this will indeed be a most interesting book to read.

Thursday 19 July 2012

kids recipes

I'm looking for recipes for meals for kids. I'd like to try out meals that others feed their offspring.

Do you have a good tried and tested recipe, something your child loves and eats until the last morsel has gone?

I'd love to know what it is, care to share it with me?

Sunday 15 July 2012

guest chef - The Hub

Twice in one week The Hub made biscuits, once for us to eat here at home and once again for the club that I help to run every six weeks or so for the kids in Jacob's class to meet up and play together, trade some cards, sell some old toys etc.

The Hub made these:-

Chocolate chip cookies, courtesy of!/2008/05/millies-cookie-recipe.html


125g softened butter
100g light brown sugar
125g caster sugar
1 egg
1tsp vanilla extract
200g chocolate chips (but Hub broke up an unwanted dark chocolate bar for this batch)
225g self-raising flour
half tsp salt

Oven pre-heated to 180 degrees centigrade


Cream the sugars and butter together
Mix in a beaten egg along with the vanilla extract
Sift the flour and salt mixing well (gets a little tough to do but go for it)
Add the choc chips or broken choc bar and combine
Roll into walnut size balls and place on a baking tray with a good distance apart as they melt and spread
Cook in oven for around 7-10 mins depending on how gooey you like your bikkies!

Cool on a tray or eat straight away, they are soooooooooooooooooo delicious

Thanks to Lauren Smith for this lovely recipe and thanks to The Hub for making them

guest chef - Jacob

For the school summer fayre Jacob made a cake and a fantastic cake it was too! In fact it was many cakes, not just one. He didn't win the competition but we all thought his cake was great!!!!!

Jacob's Hungry Caterpillar Cake

Each cake could be sold seperately to make a little more money for the school PTA Fund

And he even made one for us to eat a home which was devoured as quickly as you could say 'anyone for cake?'   And that is why I have my own bouyancy aid attached permenantly to my middle area!

And the cake master at work

Good for his mathematic skills too!

Sunday 1 July 2012

rain, rain go away

Our weather system seems to have changed over the years, we now have wet and miserable summers but we wait in anticipation from Christmas to June in the hope of a lovely summer. The last 4 years haven't seen a lovely summer here in Manchester, England. They have all been very wet, very miserable.

What's it like where you live?

I know from my younger brother that Vancouver, Canada is quite similar to here. Although when he skyped yesterday morning (in Canada, evening here in UK) it was looking rather sunny as he sat on his veranda and I sat here in my kitchen, lashing rain hitting the windows.

But.... cake making was the order of the day and as the school fair is next Saturday and is holding a cake making competition, my son decided to try his hand at making some cakes and trying out the new nozzles on the icing bag.

He has an idea in mind which means cooking lots of little iced fairy cakes along with a fully iced victoria sponge. He will put the two together to make a special cake but he won't let me put it on the blog until next week.  He did all the measuring, mixing and baking by himself. I did lend a hand when it came to putting on a big sheet of icing sugar over the lovely victoria sponge with almond butter cream and jam (I can't wait to get my gnashers into it, it looks gorgeous). He was very professional in the way he was smoothing the icing down to hug the shape of the sponge. Perhaps I have a little Eric Lanlard on my hands!

                                                                       Hard at work

Experiments with the new icing nozzles

And that is all I can show you for now

I'll post his competition entry next week

Tuesday 26 June 2012

boo hoo to cleaning

Why is it I have just spent 3 and a half hours cleaning and the place looks no different!!!!

At least it's a good workout, I must have lost about a stone simpy through sweating alone.

And why are all those ladies smiling, me thinks they have other things on their minds. (like the great big cake they will eat when all the work is done, reminds me it's lunchtime).

Or maybe they are smiling 'cos they got a lovely Cath Kidston syle apron like mine...

With an apron like this you have to smile when cleaning! Although I can't imagine my husband will be as impressed.

Sunday 17 June 2012

happy father's day

To all Dad's young and old - Happy Father's Day

Pancakes for Jacob's Dad today

Whisk together 110g/4oz of sifted flour and 2 eggs, add a pinch of salt and then 10fl oz of milk

Fry in a hot frying pan with a little butter, flip when edges start to brown

Add some lovely filling, strawberries and maple syrup went down very well!

And enjoy

Saturday 16 June 2012

glamping is for me

Glamping, I'm not ashamed to admit, is for me!

Before I went in April a friend said to me, 'it's not real camping is it'.  After our recent experience, the second one I've had of glamping, all I can say is - You camp your way and I'll glamp mine.

We had rainy days, glimpses of sunshine, marshmallows round the camp fire, chatting all night, baggy eyes in the morning, lazy days, more lazy days, visits to the farm animals, sleeping in more clothes than worn in a week, rounders on the fields, bacon sandwiches........ oh the list is endless.

This is the type of tent you are provided with when Glamping
(First 2 Photos borrowed from the Feather Down Farm website)

Wide open fields

Feeding the goats

Dinner by candlelight

Finding wildlife, and putting it back again (we know these are protected so we took real care)

Good old fashioned 'make up your own entertainment'

And beautiful sunsets

oh, forgot to mention - wood burning stove on the wooden decked flooring, 3 separate bedrooms with wooden based beds, leather sofa, rolled topped bath with shower and ...... a kitchen sink.

With friends, friends children and no need to rush Glamping is a treat and a half.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Recipe for French Apple cake


here it is for any who have looked in but not found the recipe.

450g cooking apples, cored and sliced
115g self-raising flour
5ml/1tsp baking powder
115g caster sugar
90ml milk
50g butter, melted
2 eggs
50g/1tsp fresh nutmeg, grated

75g butter, softended or sunflower margarine
115g caster sugar
5ml/1tsp vanilla essence
icing sugar, to dust
1 egg

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees/325F/Gas 3
Grease and line 9in round cake tin

Put all the cake ingredients into a bowl or food processor and beat to a smooth batter

Slice the apples and lay in the tin covering the bottom completely

Pour the batter over the apples in the tin, level the top then bake for 40-45 mins until lightly golden

Near to the end of cooking cream the topping ingredients together, remove the cake when time is up and pour the topping over the top and return to oven for 20-25mins until golden brown

Cool the cake in the tin, then turn it out and dust lightly with icing sugar

This is a delicious cake and really lovely with icecream or single cream poured over.

Enjoy x

Tuesday 10 January 2012

hub's pud - cherry clafoutis

A pud the hub tried out and we all ate far too much. The cherry stoner I got him for Christmas came in very handy!

This is a Gary Rhodes recipe, easy and quick to make (and hardly any mess in the kitchen to clean up afterwards).

The vanilla cream makes this extra lovely but I wouldn't have minded a big spoon of ice cream too.


For the clafoutis
2 free-range eggs
75g/2¾oz caster sugar, plus extra for dusting
40g/1½oz plain flour
100ml/3½fl oz double cream or crème fraîche
100ml/3½fl oz milk
butter, for greasing
225g/8oz cherries, stoned

For the cream
150ml/5fl oz double cream
25g/1oz icing or caster sugar
seeds from 1 vanilla pod


1.For the clafoutis, preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Place the eggs and sugar in a large bowl and whisk together. Sift over the flour and whisk well then stir in cream or crème fraîche and milk. Leave to rest for 10 minutes.

2.Lightly butter a large baking dish and sprinkle with sugar to coat. Scatter the cherries in the dish and gently pour over the clafoutis batter. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until the batter is just firm to the touch. If it is too soft in the centre, bake for a further five minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to cool a little before serving.

3.Whip together the cream, sugar and vanilla seeds to soft peaks and spoon over the clafoutis.